Category Archives: Motherhood


Matrescence: Q&A with Katie Holden, Herbalist and Naturopath

Katie is a family herbalist and plant doula supporting women to feel revitalised and resourced in their mothering journeys through hands-on skills that root wellbeing in the earth’s medicine. She lives in London with her partner and five daughters, home educates the three youngest, and is currently studying midwifery. What led you to holistic health? […]

Postpartum and Matrescence: Explained

We have designed this glossary to help you highlight the key terms for understanding the postpartum phase and the broader journey of matrescence, to navigate these female life stages with confidence. Postpartum Terms 1. Postpartum Period: The time following childbirth, usually lasting six weeks, during which the body begins to recover physically and hormonally. 2. […]

I Can’t Bounce Back! Things I wish I knew when becoming a mother

I can’t bounce back! Things I wish I knew when becoming a mother.  By Sophie Ghavidel  Motherhood is often depicted in a way that highlights joy, love, and a beautiful sense of peace and fulfillment. And modern mothers are told endlessly that they must magically ‘bounce back’ to how they were before childbirth, placing unrealistic […]

Postpartum Essentials: Must-have Items for New Mothers

Introduction: The postpartum period, often referred to as the “fourth trimester,” is a critical time of recovery and adjustment for new mothers. After the physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth, your body needs time to heal, and your focus shifts to caring for your newborn. Having the right postpartum essentials can make this transition smoother, […]

Breaking the silence: PostNatal Depression

Introduction: Bringing a new life into the world is often described as one of the most joyful and meaningful experiences a woman can have, a sacred and fulfilling rite of passage. Instagram is filled with seemingly well-rested, confident and beautiful mothers effortlessly nurturing their child and an often used narrative is ‘my life began when […]