Nicky Kassapian is a highly intuitive holistic practitioner, with over 30 years of experience in the field of personal development, communication and training, and the author of Be Yourself – the art of Stepping Up. Nicky has a powerful skill set and is, amongst other things, an Advanced biodynamic craniosacral therapist, a Reiki master and practitioner, an Avatar master, a personal coach, mentor, energy healer and retreat developer and facilitator. This means she draws on diverse modalities such as classical meditation, as well as, mindfulness practices, constellation work and clear intentional communication, to support the facilitation of profound transformation. Nicky has been running her private practice in centres in Bali Indonesia, Cambodia, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore since 2000 and works by distance with many clients worldwide.
Here Nicky shares her journey to holistic health and the ways that she can support clients looking to embark on, or already on the path to parenthood.
- What led you to holistic health? Was there a moment on your personal journey that you struggled with and found that your current area of expertise could help you and others?
My grandmother was my inspiration in terms of holistic health and although there were so-called allopathic doctors in the family, I noticed that they too took an integrated and holistic approach.
When I was experiencing challenges and changes in my personal life, which then impacted on my professional life, it was clear to me that I needed to look within and transform from there. That led me into self-development, mediation, natural, vibrational and energy medicine and an integrated and holistic approach to all areas of my life – as I believe that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are all interlinked.
- How can your specialist area support those considering, or already on a fertility journey?
The fertility journey incorporates much more than purely biological and physical aspects. My specialist area supports those considering or already on a fertility journey, though offering ways to unpack, reveal and address previous experiences, beliefs, thought patterns and behaviours’, ancestral legacies, fears, energetic misalignments and anxiety. The less explored areas from our mental, emotional and spiritual aspects also have a major impact on a fertility journey.
- How do your clients integrate your practices alongside conventional medical treatments? How do the two co-exist?
My work is simple and can be easily integrated into the client’s routine. If we are anxious and fearful then it is likely our system will go into contraction and or shut down and this creates resistance to the flow of vital life force energy. When we are in alignment, relaxed and confident, mentally and emotionally, our nervous and physical system tends to be more receptive and responsive.
- If you were speaking to your younger self what advice would you give her?
Stay open to possibilities and know there is so much more than can be seen rallying to support your dreams. Sometimes what we think we want is what others want and what we actually want has yet to reveal itself to us. So, when things don’t go the way you expect, trust that there is another way and that there is something else for you.
- Do you have a personal mantra or favorite quote that you live by / inspires you?
We like to think the world is coming at us It is not The world is actually coming from us – Shantideva
- Have you had any mentoring on your journey or someone that has guided you that you look up to?
Yes many along the way and every person I meet, everything I experience, guides and mentors me.
- What do you think is the biggest challenge your female clients face when it comes to fertility or their general health?
Finding the right people to work with, at the right time and in a way that compliments who they are.
- What excites you the most about SheWell’s mission to bridge medical and holistic approaches to fertility?
That finally, method and wisdom are seen as creating a fuller picture. One without the other is only half the picture. The bridge connecting medical and holistic approaches to fertility allow the unseen and miraculous to take its place in the journey.
- What conversation do you feel we are not having as women and should be having when it comes to fertility and female health?
The conversation that addresses all things non-physiological, physical and medical. I feel that we are failing to address the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects in a fertility story, and lack the tools with which to navigate them.
Instagram: @nickykassapian